
Are You Worth $20?

I hope your first thought when reading this is yes I am!

And I am talking especially to you moms out there!!! (myself included)

Women must learn to find self-worth within themselves, not through others. It is important to carve out a place just for you.
Georgette Mosbacher

Recently I saw an article shared over and over on Facebook. It was about buying kids’ clothes, spending quite a bit of money but not even wanting to spend $20 on themselves for a pair of yoga pants.

And there were so many comments from moms agreeing. Many joked and thought it was funny.

This made me SO sad! I mean, if you aren’t even ok spending $20 on yourself, I can only imagine how you devalue yourself in other areas of life.

I say this because I was once that woman who always put herself last.

Saying yes to everyone and everything.

Always explaining and justifying my choices.

And so much more….

Long story short, it sucked! I wasn’t happy, but it was my own fault. If you are struggling in any area of your life (this includes business), take a look at where you are putting yourself last, AKA saying you aren’t worthy.

I’d love for you to comment below and tell me one thing you’ll do today to show yourself you are worthy!

And if you need a little help, I’d love to hear from you; click here to send me a message about what you need help with. The life and business you want can be yours, but not until you believe you are worthy!

Helpful Links

I have some helpful information if you have enjoyed this article and want more. If you are a mom wanting to work from home but have no idea how to get started, grab my free getting started guide, “10 Easy Steps to Get Started as a Virtual Assistant.” And if you are lacking confidence and wondering if you really can do it, If I can do it, living in a small rural town in Missouri with no formal business education or entrepreneurial background, so can you!

Go here to grab the free guide!

You’ll also be added to my email list, where I’ll send tips about working as a Virtual Assistant and more time-saving tips for busy moms.

And feel free to comment here with a tip of your own. The more we support each other, the better!